As an Internet based business The Rare Industrieshas committed to responsibly manage and treat with the utmost respect and confidentiality any information collected during the course of your visit on our site. We value your trust and make every effort to limit the collection and use of data to a level enabling us to maintain a superior level of service to you, our customers. Below are this policy outlines:

What information we collect and how it is collected.
What we do with any personal information received and,
How we ensure information is treated in accordance with the Privacy Act.

Information Collected
At all times there is no obligation for any visitor to our site to provide us with personal information (unless it is a necessary requirement to fulfill an order or to provide another customer service function). Customer delivery and contact details are stored and purchase history details may also be collected.
Use of Information Collected
All information collected through the course of normal business dealings will remain confidential. The Rare Industriesdoes not disclose personal information to any other organizations unless the owner of that information has given their consent. We only use the information for processing orders or for internal marketing purposes which may include:
Security of Information Collected
The Rare Industriestakes all reasonable precautions to ensure that any personal information received is kept confidential. For sending information and delivery of orders placed it is necessary to disclose some personal information to third parties such as delivery contractors. The Rare Industriestakes appropriate steps to ensure our suppliers only use the information provided to them for the relevant purpose. We include a clause in all contracts with third parties that any personal information is only to be used for the intended purpose. No personal information will be disclosed to any other third party without your consent. We will never disclose your payment details to these third parties.
Customers who do not wish to have their personal information used for marketing by The Rare Industriesare able to indicate this at the time of purchase or any other point of contact with a representative of our company.

Website and E-mail
we do not send unsolicited e-mails and every e-mail sent will provide an opportunity for the receiver to be removed from further mailings. Our website uses cookies which are small amounts of information stored on the user's computer by our server.Cookies identify the user's browser but do not identify any personal or sensitive information.
Cookies can be disabled by you, the user, by going to the preferences or options menus in your browser; however, we recommend that you do not disable cookies this will allow for a better and faster experience when you return to The Rare Industries.
Access to personal information
You may request details of the personal information we hold on you by sending a signed written request to our customer service department. Provided the information requested meets the requirements under the Privacy Act we will endeavor to respond within fourteen (14) days. If, in the unlikely instance, the request does not meet the requirements we will advise accordingly.
Any personal information provided may be corrected or brought up to date at any time. For privacy and accuracy reasons Little Kids Boutique relies on the customer to provide any changes or updates to individual information.
Information Security
Any personal information held on the The Rare Industriesnetwork has security measures in place to protect it from unauthorized third party access and there are internal levels of security in place to ensure information of a sensitive nature is only accessible by authorized members of staff.
Other Websites
This Site may contain links to other sites of third parties. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of those other sites.
Changes to Policy
We may change or update this policy from time to time to address any changes in legislation and to continue to responsibly manage and protect personal information.

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